onsdag 19. desember 2012

Finally back home!

I arrived back home to my family yesterday! I was too tired to blog, and I just wanted to settle in a bit. I packed pretty heavy this time, I hope to be stylish this Christmas! My packing is always a hot mess, but now I packed colour and style coordinated. So I hope that will help me finding something to wear without too many nervous breakdowns XD

I have no plans for Christmas so far, so these days should be interesting. I'm currently watching Gossip Girl and eating chocolate, just because I can! :) Lazy days.
I'm currently staying at my dad and stepmoms place, and they're taking care of the cutest papillon dog ever, Emma! Only a dog can get me take a walk voluntarily, haha. It was nice, I can't wait to get my own dog some time in the future!

 So cute and fluffy!

Emma says hi to you guys~

I also found my dads old Calvin & Hobbes collection, so I think I'm going to do a bit of reading before I go to sleep tonight :D So much nostalgia.

In Norwegian Calvin & Hobbes is called Tommy og Tigern, Tommy and the Tiger :)

I hope all of you who celebrate Christmas have a great one! 
And I'll see you the 22nd, if the world hasn't ended by then ;)

... I almost miss having blonde hair.. haha :')

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hei! Jeg fant bloggen din i dag, og synes det er morsomt å lese bloggene til andre som har samme interesser som meg! Håper ikke jeg stiller noe dumt spørsmål nå, men har du tenkt å flytte til Japan? Jeg flytter dit selv i mars skjønner du ^^ Hvor lenge har du studert japansk? Selv hadde jeg japansk på videregående, så jeg gleder meg masse til å utvikle språkferdighetene mine i Japan :) Og siden det er jul - メリークリスマス!


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