Just bits and pieces of the few last weeks!
Went out with my class one weekend, loads of fun! :)
Top, skirt: Yumetenbou
Hotpants: H&M
Boots: Galstar

The most Norwegian food to eat after a night out on the town (aside from kebabs and burgers), is the "Grandiosa" frozen pizza! Here illustrated with sour cream and hot salsa, LOL. It normally taste like cardboard, but it's so DELISH when you're drunk XDDD
The day after Oda and I watched The land before time ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Seriously, we ate ice cream, sobbed and was feeling nostalgic while watching it. It's so lovely ♥
Dress: H&M
Sweater: Only
Tights: Gina Tricot
OH! I got my hotpants from Runwaydreamz!!
Since the first pair I got were a size too small I had to send them back and get a bigger size.. With lots of confusion and a whole lot of swearing the right pair finally found their way home to me ♥
They fit me nicely, and I got lots of nice compliments for it :)
So on Saturday I went out with Emilie and my friend Thomas, I got sooo drunk! lol, I'm not drinking red wine in a while..
These last days I've just been working on school projects, I'm wrapping up one of the assignments at the library now, the final assignment is due on Friday, hopefully I'll get an OK grade :)
3 weeks until we get an internet connection at home, yay!