Okay, I did have a feeling that yesterdays date with Martin would be our last..
We split up.
We sat in a cafe drinking tea/coffee, and suddenly he gets this sad look on his face.. I ask what's on his mind, and he replies "I think it would be best if we go our seperate ways from here.."
I was in a little shock, even though I knew deep down this day would come. Eventually as we start talking, I cry, he cries.
He followed me home, where we kissed and hugged while I cried my heart out. It was so hard to let go of him, because then and there I could only remember our best moment, our best days.
I thought for one moment "Why the hell are we doing this? I love him!", and the other "This is for the best, we've grown apart"
Because we have.
The little differences that made us interesting as a couple has only grown larger and alienated ourselves. If we've changed that much in three-four years, what would have happened the next three years when we're apart?
I do love him, I really do.
Thank you for all the happy memories you've given me, thank you for all the strength and hope you've given me. I wouldn't change a thing, if I had to do it all again it'd be exactly the same.
I wish you a happy life, and good luck with your studies, good luck with your future.
Goodbye... "for now"
fikk tårer i øynene av å lese dette :( minner meg om hvordan det ble slutt mellom eksen og meg. rart at noe kan føles så feil og samtidig rett..
SvarSlettjeg er utrolig glad i deg Christine, er her for deg hvis du vil prate om det (eller hva som helst annet) <3 vi skal få det gøy i bergen. gleder meg. <3
Aw, gud så trist. Håper det går bedre snart<3
SvarSlettIm sorry to hear this!
SvarSlettThese things are hard, all my love for you!
Så trist å høre sånt. Jeg håper det går bra med deg søta, og når du kommer til Bergen skal jeg muntre deg opp skal du se^^<3
SvarSlettHuff så trist :(
SvarSlettBle skikkelig lei meg når jeg leste dette :( Håper det går bra *mange store klemmer fra meg*