Ah, week is finally over!
First things first.
Skrillex was AWESOME! Constant eargasm! ♥
Taking the train to Oslo! This is Finse, the place where parts of The Empire Strikes Back was shot! (shot, is that correct? XD)
(doesn't quite look like Hoth, does it? xD)
Me and the fabulous Erlend at a bar before going to the venue.
The only cool picture from Skrillex
Last Friday me and my friends went out, it was AWESOME! Dancing, drinking, great people and no drama ♥
My outfit
Anne sitting under the desk, because alcohol.
Sigve is getting his hair done by Elisabeth
hfw: "Not sure if like..." XD
Pretty ladies, Lisa-Marie and Tonje :)
Anneli, a gorgeous friend of Anne!
And to wrap it up, here's a silly picture of a cat.
Have a nice week everybody!